Which herbs increases the potency in men: a force of nature

The power since ancient times was considered to be an analogue of masculinity, fade sexual ability painful perceived if a man, and it is unlikely that it can pleasure his woman. Since then, little has changed in this sense. On the contrary, the situation has worsened because of the modern ecology, and the rhythm of life is not particularly contribute to preserving the health of the sexual sphere. The hectic pace, the race for the illusory success, the use of harmful products and beverages, sedentary lifestyle – all of this has led to the fact that even kids can learn on their own experience, what is erectile dysfunction. To help in this situation can herbs to increase potency in men.

Herbs for power

The processing power with the help of the vegetable pieces should be approached responsibly, as the drugs. Before starting the consumption of drugs is necessary to become familiar with the indications and contraindications. It is also necessary on the eve of a doctor, for examination and formulation of diagnosis. Because of intermittent power is never a disease that is independent, rather that this process acts as a result of violations in the hormonal system, vascular, etc

Often the various symptoms of the disease to the untrained eye clearly speak of any disease, but only your doctor will be able to see behind their shades, they say about him which is why he resides in another. Neglect a visit to the hospital, and by self-medication, not only waste time waiting for a positive result, but also lose the beginning of the serious and negative impacts of diseases, which are easily stopped in the beginning and difficult to treat running as a.

If the herbs are collected by yourself, it is important to be absolutely sure that this is exactly what a plant that is necessary. Place of collection should not be located in contaminated sites. The plants collected on the side of the highway, around a dumpster, the place of storage of chemical products, close working factories accumulate heavy metals, chlorine and other substances that not only destroy the utility of plant raw materials, but also make them dangerous to the application.

Herbal for power in the pharmacy

Dangerous to purchase the plants with the hands on the markets, you can never be sure, where they are grown. Premixtures, any collection and dyes, purchased at the pharmacy from the beginning are grown in eco-safe places, perform the phases control, which allows you to not doubt their purity.

On the shelves of pharmacies you can find ready charges to improve the power, or buy the ingredients individually, and compose the composition of herbs and roots. Many dyes, which require preparation and time to defend is also possible to buy already ready for consumption, for example, is the tincture of:

  • ginseng;
  • eleuthero;
  • propolis;
  • lovage;
  • peony;
  • leonurus;
  • schisandra;
  • hawthorn;
  • aralia.

It is worth to pay attention to dry herbs that improves the tone of the body and the power: nettle dioica, red clover, yarrow, Barbarea vulgaris, a root of gold, the roots of calamus, clover, herbs, chamomile, Tribulus terrestris, Orobanche, valerian, and oats.

Safe herbs for power

To improve the power use plants that not only have an impact on the sexual system. Will have a positive impact on erection welcome herbs with the effect to:

  • the function of hematopoietic;
  • the muscular system;
  • the blood vessels, and of vienna;
  • the metabolic processes of the body;
  • respiratory, the liver, and the kidneys;
  • the nervous system.

The complex is the decisive body, decoctions, and tinctures and then prejudice, and sexy its capacity, because, when a thick blood, cholesterol, slagging, low permeability of the veins, the shortage of oxygen in the blood is difficult to count on a powerful sexual potential.

Herbs which promote men-power, used individually or objections, the most useful are their components:

  • thyme;
  • ginkgo biloba;
  • nettle;
  • mint;
  • dubrovnik;
  • horny goat weed;
  • the leaves of raspberry, currant;
  • st. john's wort;
  • yarrow;
  • rhodiola rosea;
  • young needles.

What unites all of these herbs

Herbs for power not to the detriment of the result, to give the effect of their useful applications components must accumulate in the body, in the right quantities. The main commandment herbal medicine is to respect the schedules. If the tool has to drink in one volume, three times a day, not worth drinking in the evening all the daily normality. In this case, it may be that such a quantity of "goodies" will go wrong or not included.

The reception is in the course of transmission, usually every last 2-3 weeks, after which he agreed to do the same for the time of a break. If the need is saved, the expiration of the period of rest, you can repeat the treatment. Also taking a couple of decoctions or infusions, it is necessary to consider that not all plants are "friends" among them, for example, it is possible to combine valerian which has a sedative (calming) effect, and by stimulating the tone of the ginseng root.

Contraindications to the use of herbs

Contra-indications of each herb to stimulate the male potency them and with their need to know before the beginning of reception. Diabetes mellitus, it is too high or low-pressure, heart attacks or stroke in history, thrombophlebitis, pulmonary and hepatic disease, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer men may become an obstacle to the consumption of this or that plant.

You need to choose and the way in which is prepared the drug. For the men, which is contraindicated the alcohol is not worth the consideration of those recipes where wine or vodka infusion. A contraindication is allergy or individual intolerance of this plant. If previously the man has never had to drink a decoction of any herb need to take one in the morning a dose (1-2 pharynx) and observe his condition during the day. If nothing suspicious has not occurred, the obstacles to the course of treatment there.


If the unusual reaction of the body – edema of the nasal mucosa, pain, rashes, itching, you need to drink an anti-allergic medication, for example, of the stomach, to wait until the symptoms disappear and repeat the test to confirm that the changes have been caused own the stock. In the case of the re-birth having to search for other herbs natural to increase his power.

Which herbs to increase sexual potency in men

The plants, which are beneficial for erection "work" in different directions. They can improve the oxygen supply of the organism, affect the composition of the blood, reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, to positively affect the state of blood vessels and cardiac muscle, in the possession of a clear or tonic, fire, and warn of inflammatory processes, stimulating the production of male hormones, increase the quantity and improve the quality of the seminal fluid.

How it will help the aloe plant

It is difficult to overestimate the capacity of this plant. Still 10-15 years ago, almost in every house there was a jar with aloe. He treated runny nose, sore throat, wounds, burns and much more. It contains a unique composition of essential oils, amino acids, minerals and vitamins, thanks to this, its application is indicated in case of violation of potency, prostatitis, but also of pathological processes in the prostate gland.

To increase the power is used, the pulp of the plant is full of juice. In order to have the aloe leaves are put into the refrigerator for 5-7 days, this will make the composition more concentrated and rich in nutrients. The field that each sheet is cut along and scrape the pulp into a bowl of glass or ceramic. And ' better for this purpose, it is suitable spoon. At the end should remain only a heavy peel of plants. If necessary, this mass is possible through a clean gauze to overcome the pure juice. But in many recipes you apply and original raw materials:

  1. 200 gr. the pulp of aloe vera mixed with an equal amount of natural honey, there is added a handful of walnuts, chopped 50 gr. mashed parsnip. Take each day, a tablespoon of the mixture three times a day, and the power begins to recover.
  2. 300 gr. the pulp of the agave 200 gr. the honey and the juice of 2 lemons large mixed composition is a uniform, and take a teaspoon 3 times a day. The lemon juice is better since the juice you need to roll it on the table, firmly by pressing with the hand towards the surface, and then pour on the boiling water.
  3. We need to take a small handful of raisins, any nuclei of walnuts, dates, dried figs, dried apricots, add 200 gr. honey and lots of aloe juice, mix until smooth. A tablespoon of this mixture in the morning to saturate the body of vitamins that contribute to good power and a hard erection.

The effect of lemongrass on power

Lemongrass is in the top herbs for power. To improve the quality of erection you apply the berries of this plant. The effect of their atypical use fast for phyto-therapeutic medicines, the action begins after 30 minutes after ingestion and stored for up to 6 hours. Lemongrass is helpful for men who suffer from premature ejaculation, it relieves the inflammation in the sexual system, after his admission of semen is produced more than usual.

Citronella is contraindicated in hypertensive and people with epilepsy, UDV, heart disease, but hypotensive will help raise the pressure. In addition, the plant tones, is a point of strength and force. In case of overdose it is possible to cardiac arrhythmia, heartbeat and breathing.

  1. Decoction. Tablespoon of crushed berries spilled a glass of water and simmer in enamel for 5-7 minutes on very low heat (languish). Decoction take one tablespoon three times per day.
  2. Dye. The berries and pour alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 1: 5 and insist in a cool, dark place for 14 days. Take the tincture should be a teaspoon every morning before eating, it is possible to add to the tea.
  3. The seeds of this plant are also beneficial to erection and potency. The need to crush all the ingredients and pour the vodka in a ratio of 1 part seeds to 3 parts vodka. Drink, not before one hour after the meal, the spoon.


Speaking of which herbs to increase sexual potency in men, it is impossible to ignore ivan tea. Its composition is as if specially coined nature for as long as possible to keep the power. Also, it is pleasant to the taste, and it is possible to replace all the traditional drinks for example, coffee. The grass helps not only to improve erection and sexual performance, but also enhance immunity, get rid of gastric problems, dysbiosis, support the cardiovascular system, improve blood composition.

  1. Tea. Standard teapot (400-500 ml) it will take 2 tablespoons of flowers. If you want, you can put a spoon of green tea without additives. Pour boiling water (95 °c) and leave to rest for 5-10 minutes. Drink during the day as much as you want, for a better effect instead of sugar you can sweeten your that drink honey.
  2. The infusion. In a glass of water, it is necessary to take a tablespoon of ivan the preparation of tea and cook in a bain-marie for 15 minutes Then let it rest for 2-3 hours, strain through a fine sieve and drink it 30 ml (a glass) 4 times per day.

Ginseng root

Ginseng root-that is, the alcohol-based tincture, is well known to many, you can buy it in any pharmacy and costs a pittance. When this tool is, among other things, and a powerful stimulant to the power of men, especially if sex problems are caused by anxiety, fatigue and stress. The drug is completely ready for consumption.

The root of ginseng is necessary to apply to the scheme, starting from a drop of the solution per day, and gradually bringing it to a number that corresponds to the age of the patient. Then begins the countdown. There is a chart daily 20-30 drops for the entire month.

The root of ginseng is taken, add a cube of refined sugar, and dissolve or drip in the water. No effect on its therapeutic qualities has not, in both cases, the dye helps the same way.


At this point science knows 23 different links of dubrovnik, among which there are:

  • Flavonoids;
  • Essential oils;
  • Coumarins;
  • Phenylii salicylas;
  • Calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamin c, potassium;
  • Amino acids – 16 pcs

Decoctions and tinctures of this plant to fight free radicals, inhibit pathogens, and bacteria, relieve spasms, cleanse the inflammation.

2-3 tablespoons of dry substance, pour a glass of boiling water and leave to cool, filter and drink 3-4 times a day before meals for half an hour.
Bravo to him and of taxes, where the components complement and reinforce the action of a friend of a friend.

2 part cleaning yarrow mix with a part of dubrovnik and the same number of roots of calamus. For every tablespoon of the collection is taken 1 glass of water. The grass pour boiling water and wait for it to cool, drink three times a day for 1 glass.



This plant is very important for the health of the men with a high content of zinc and chromium, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the reproductive system. Those who have the intention of conception, you should drink the tea instead of not less than 4 months to prepare a decoction of thyme, this will improve the activity of sperm and their quantity in the seminal fluid. Prepare this healthy drink is not more difficult, usually the weld:

Falling asleep in the teapot 2-4 tablespoons of dried herb and pour the hot water. You can drink during the day as much as you want, for a better effect – a little bit of sugar with honey.

Grass, increase men power, not fairy tale and not anachronisms. This is really an effective way to improve erection, prevent the development of diseases of the reproductive system, improve the blood flow in the genitals and improve the quality of the sperm.

The official medicine not only does not prevent, but and are recommended for preventive purposes, and healing take phyto medicines to improve the potency and the prevention of the erectile dysfunction.